Saturday, April 30, 2011

Settling In

week three

On our own... and survived to tell about it.  I don't mean to be dramatic - or even say that I'm doing something spectacular here (heck, we have multiple friends with quite a few more than one child in their care so clearly I'm just barely breaking ground), but rather documenting that the day when my super duper helpful parents abandoned us (ha!) has come and gone.

The first day of week three also marked Miller's first Easter... and it was sadly uneventful, noticeably without a visit to church, even, as these newbie parents were too chicken to make Easter our first showing back in the pews.  Miller was the recipient of a small Easter bucket from his parents and a beach bucket from his grandparents - both containing adorably small versions of very useful items like a shovel, Trumpette socks (they really are the best although Jeffries are a close second!), an Easter-story book, and sunglasses for an appearance at the beach later this summer. 

Not to be overshadowed by such a Holy holiday was Miller's first nap with Granddad.  Since Granddad is the expert in all things 'nap', it was only fitting that he introduce the young lad to the world of "watching TV with your eyes closed" (minus the TV).

We also marked week three with the less photogenic event of Miller's umbilical cord (stump... the larger part has been long since gone) finally saying its last goodbyes.  And with that, came daily bouts of tummy time and the start of a (diapering) lifetime of cloth diapers (which have already been an adventure, should anyone care to hear about it).

And I'd be remiss not to include an outtake from our very impromptu and unprofessional photo shoot that I staged in the backyard.  Not quite announcement (or frame) worthy but we happen to think this guy gets cuter each and every day - mouth-open (fly-catching) and all.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trading Places

week two

Moving right along seemed to be the theme of week two.

It was off to a great start with Miller's first Easter egg hunt - and boy, was he good at watching the older kids chase down those eggs... it must have been soothing to the little guy because he saw about 0.3 seconds of the festivities before falling into a deep sleep for the rest of the afternoon.  

He also made his first official appearance in our local Target.  I dare say he doesn't remember much as we ran there mid-nap time, but we did show him the $1 aisle to get him started on learning about frugality. 

Then we hit Thursday.  This time it was the new momma's turn to be sick.  Thursday night brought light-headedness and feverish feelings which apparently were the precursor (God's warning?) to Friday morning's 101.9 degree temperature.  Parenthood apparently gives a sense of urgency so it didn't take more than 5 minutes for yours truly to be on the phone with the doctor and shortly after a quick appointment, antibiotics and Tylenol started working their magic.  Crisis averted. 

Just as fast as week one started, week two was over.  I can already tell this is going to go by way WAY too quickly.  I may or may not have asked Chris a few times how to make sure our little man stops growing and never wants to leave home but gotten less than adequate answers so I guess I'm left to continue soaking it up for as long as I can.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


week one

Miller Joseph joined our little family April 9, 2011 at the early hour of 3:07am.

Our first week together was quite eventful - perhaps not exactly how I saw week one of parenting going but we made it.

After arriving home from the hospital, we soon learned that our sweet little one was jaundiced and would require daily pediatrician visits.  Along with those visits came a whole new set of vocabulary including "bilirubin" and "bili-blanket"...

Miller was more or less quarantined to his nursery attached to his "space suit" and affectionately named our "blue light special".

Along with the bili-blanket came daily heel pricks - which, we think, he took like a champ.

Thankfully, on the morning of his seventh day - our doctor delivered Miller's news of freedom.  His bilirubin levels had fallen completely and he weighed in above his birth weight.  Must be a new parent thing because we literally high-fived and I almost hugged the doctor. 

And so went Miller's first week.  Doctor's appointments and all, we couldn't be happier that he's finally arrived.  Parenthood is already the hardest job I've ever had but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

*looking for less words and more pictures?

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