Sunday, December 07, 2008

Feels Like Home

With your eyes closed, listen to the song below (only eyes closed because the video that accompanies it is so awful"ly" early 90s).

When reflecting on the events of this weekend, this song just fit perfectly.

I am hopeful to steal some pictures *and update here I took on my mom's camera of our short trip up to Philly for another of our annual Army-Navy weekends as my parents, Chris and I had a grand time celebrating the 12th year (out of the last 13) that someone from the Wallace clan has attended "America's Game".

Sheer happiness at Jim's Steak's - our Friday night tradition.
I think other than watching Navy clobber Army for the past 6 years, the best part about the game is seeing my dad in his element, right 'at home', around all of the other veterans and patriotic attendees. When attending this game, you really can't help but have the feeling that all is right in the world and everyone supports the efforts of our valiant soldiers. *even I can be idealistic sometimes!

The real reason this song brought me to tears was because it was a timely if subtle reminder that our Granny went 'home' this weekend.

It seems the story has been told a million times and yet it is never easy. I just was not prepared; no matter how many times I saw her, hugged her, and told her I loved her, in my heart, after each time - I know I thought "please PLEASE don't go this time - I'm not ready to let go". I should have known after last week's visit - when it was her this time who wouldn't let go of us; she asked us to take her home, or at the least to "drop her off" on our way home - I only wish she'd known that I would have taken her in a heartbeat, if I could have stopped her suffering and been able to ensure she would have enjoyed her last few days, I would have. But it seems she knew and God provided us a few extra minutes with her as we explained over and over again that we couldn't take her this time but we'd be back next week. I have such vivid memories of walking away, looking back and waving, yelling "I love you, Granny" so she'd be sure to hear. I know, I do, that she knew and she heard me but you always want one more moment and of course that'd still never have been enough.

I am ever so thankful for the time I did have with her and the amazing memories I have; forgive me if I start to tell the stories that she did - that will be my way of making sure I never forget them. For a woman known the world-over as "Granny" - may she know that we will always love her.


  1. So sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a wonderful woman and fabulous grandmother - just as they should be.

  2. sweet kara, we're so sorry for your loss - what an amazing woman... i pray you're comforted and at peace with her tremendous memory until you see her again.


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