Garden Oasis?
I'm well aware that what I'm currently calling my "garden" is 6 different pots and containers on my deck that is all of 9' by 5'... but living in a condo in the DC area, you learn to make the most of (VERY) small spaces. And except for harboring the occasional dove (though they look like pigeons to me!), it's been going pretty well!
What I'm MOST proud of, though, as part of my relatively new-found love of watching things grow is my herb garden (you might call it an herb "pot"). Not only has it been really fun seeing them mature from the seeds I planted, but I also have had tons of fresh rosemary, basil, parsley, chives, cilantro (crucial for our guac!), and the latest addition of mint, to complement some tasty, fresh summer cooking and grilling! AND, what could be more cost-effective than having your own stock just outside your door?!I'm still holding out hope for my tomato plant... I may have learned my lesson that tomato plants just aren't meant to start from seed if you want them to flower within the season; mine is growing tall and strong but no flowers or fruit just yet.