Thursday, February 26, 2009

Old-Fashioned is "In"

Either the world of blogging has corrupted me (which is saying something since many people have been unsuccessfully trying to accomplish this my whole life) or I officially am the most easily amused person in history. The natural follow-on to that is "what's so funny?" right? That's just it - probably pretty close to nothing! (not a very auspicious start to this post, I'll admit, but stick with me)

I knew before I made this moist and delicious *Coca-Cola Cake that it was a bit old-fashioned... that was part of the charm (and after all, Anthony Bourdain dined on this in cute little Charleston and raved endlessly about it). But I didn't quite expect to get slammed over the forehead with this fact.

Now keep in mind that the recipe I used for this cake was from a recipe-bridal shower 'cookbook' (not sure that aptly describes the little xeroxed pamphlet I'm referring to) and when I started writing this post, I was too lazy to go and find it; besides, isn't that what the internet is for? I was happily overwhelmed with hits in response to my search. It seemed obvious that one particular link would be my answer - the Coca-Cola website.

This is where it all went down (you were wondering weren't you)... my recipe wasn't in Coke's everyday list of recipes - you have to scroll to the Heritage section!!! *yes, I'm serious, this is the punchline... see, I told you, I'm easily amused! Talk about making me feel like a lady standing in her completely dated kitchen (here my head goes immediately to Julia Child's kitchen, yeah, the one we saw this past weekend in a museum - you heard right, I felt archaic enough to be transported to something relegated to a museum).

Enough about me feeling old and decrepit - hopefully you will make this yummy cake and not feel the slightest bit age-d.

*we only ever have diet Coke products so this would more accurately be renamed "Coke Zero Cake" in our house - oh, and I'm on a grocery spending hiatus so as you can see, I used walnuts instead of pecans


  1. Ohhhh, I think I know exactly what bridal shower cookbook you are talking about! If so, I've made this very same cake! Yours looks way prettier than I remember mine looking though!

  2. You still use that little book? How fun! I use those recipes ALL the time.

  3. Oh, I haven't made a Coca-Cola cake since I lived in Winston-Salem. Brings back wonderful memories! By the way, when are you coming up to Michigan to visit? You are welcome anytime!!!!


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